
Best adult board games of 2016
Best adult board games of 2016

best adult board games of 2016

And when you've solved the main puzzle, you'll feel like you accomplished something.

best adult board games of 2016


It's not perfect-see our full review for the flaws-but there's no need for a dungeon master, the artwork is fantastic, and the card-based "location" system provides unique information to different party members as they explore the grounds (and caverns beneath the grounds). It's a "one and done" affair after beating Asylum in three or four hours, you won't go back again soon.īut those three to four hours make for some great group gaming.

best adult board games of 2016

The included first module, Asylum, involves a 1920's "mental health facility" in France, deranged doctors, mythical beasts, cannibalism, drugs, abominations of nature, and temporal rifts. T.I.M.E Stories combines role-playing with lavishly illustrated cards to let teams of adventurers puzzle and fight their way through wildly varying stories. And it comes with 111 colorful custom dice and rocketship-themed dice cups to roll them in. Roll for the Galaxy is highly replayable, fiendishly addictive, and very quick to play once everyone knows what they’re doing. If you play well, the dice nudge you and give you constraints they don’t hamstring you with “better luck next time” disappointments. There are always ways to mitigate the luck of the roll and bend the dice to your will. A hidden action selection mechanic (similar in many ways to Race, Puerto Rico, and San Juan) drives the gameplay, and you need to pay attention to what your opponents are doing to make the most of your turns.Īnd here’s the best part: your dice, which represent workers in your empire, provide you with flexible options and a fun mini-puzzle to solve every round. Roll’s mechanics are a bit too complicated to fully explain here, but the game essentially has you collecting dice and laying tiles to create the best civilization in the galaxy. It's also a much easier game to teach to newcomers than the notoriously arcane Race (although it’s not what I’d call a “gateway game,” and you may have a bad time if you try to introduce it to non-gamers). That is, it’s not a dumbed-down snoozer or Yahtzee-aping cash-in like some dice-game versions of other board games tend to be. Roll for the Galaxy is essentially a streamlined, dice-game version of the modern classic card game Race for the Galaxy, but it’s decidedly not Race for the Galaxy: The Dice Game. That's why I love Roll for the Galaxy the game does dice right. But dice can be problematic in strategy games due to their inherent randomness. Scooping the little cubes up, tumbling them in your hand, sending them clacking across the table-dice are just fun to play with. They represent one of the great joys of board games: tactility. When I introduced the game to my Friday night game group, we didn’t play anything else for about two months. It takes about 30 minutes to play, but it’s as fulfilling as many longer games. It’s dead simple to teach, but it has enough strategy that seasoned gamers can happily play alongside noobs. Of all the smash-hit tabletop games released in 2014, Splendor is probably the one with the most staying power. Terrific fun for everyone from advanced kid players up to gamers, though perhaps slightly too heavy for total gaming newbs. The key is playing the right role at the right time in order to benefit most from the three different resource acquisition rounds interspersed throughout the game. You won't be able to use that role again, though, until you play the "Recruiter" role, which burns one of your 10 rounds each time you use it. On each turn, you select one of the roles in your hand and perform its action-filling up a ship on Earth, redirecting an in-flight rocket, sending troops from Phobos down to Mars, fighting, researching the planet, etc. Played over 10 rounds, the game's hour-long playtime flies by thanks to a mix of role selection and area control mechanics. Mission: Red Planet lets you do so, along the way sabotaging the rockets carrying other fighters and explorers, redirecting opponents' ships to unimportant patches of Martian soil, taking over Phobos, and just generally running riot in your quest to exploit the Red Planet's hidden resources.įantasy Flight's 2015 reboot of Mission: Red Planet streamlines play and reimagines the artwork to tremendous effect (rather than wooden cubes, your astronauts are plastic spacemen, each carrying your flag, while the "board" that makes up Mars is a huge four-piece circle). Admit it: you would secretly love to launch a private army to Mars.

Best adult board games of 2016